Physical and verbal abuse share many of the same outcomes; both verbal and physical abuse have a long-term effect on a child's future. Verbal and physical abuse can cause depression and anxiety problems; it can get to the point where the child wants to harm themselves. (Child Welfare Information Gateway.) Physical and Verbal abuse can make a someone think about or even commit suicide. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds, according to the Centers for Disease Control ad Prevention. Verbal abuse is a sign that there is or will be physical abused used towards the child. When a child is being physically abused, it can cause internal and even brain problems. Being physically abuse can mess up the growing process of the brain and can make the child become mental or cause personality disorders such as ASP. Both physical and verbal abuse can also cause a child to have health problems; such as, getting diseases from a sexual abuser, cancer, and obesity. Both physical and verbal abuse both hurt, and they both leave scars and can kill; physical abuse leaves scars on the outside and verbal abuse leaves scars on the inside. Scars on the outside will eventually fade but the scars on the inside will NEVER go away!
I agree on your post it is really detailed and i love it. I want to know why would someone have the audacity to bullying someone verbally and physical?