Thursday, November 18, 2010

Reflection on findings

While researching facts concerning abuse I found multiple facts that had lead me to think that verbal abuse and physical abuse have the same outcome. Both physical and verbal abuse leaves scars that a child must try to overcome and no one completely overcomes being abused. The only difference between physical and verbal abuse is that physical abuse leaves scars the outside where people can see, while verbal abuse does damage on the inside. According to, How are the effects of verbal abuse on children, physical and verbal abuse has a long-term affect on someones life. Abuse can make a child think about suicide or commit suicide; suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds. I found this extremely interesting that some cases of suicide are the result of a child being abused. After researching all the statistics and cases of child abuse it has opened my eyes and has made me understand that just because someone is not putting their hands on someone they are still doing damage. I feel that verbal abuse does has the same outcomes as physical abuse. Both physical and verbal abuse hurt people whether  it is their body or their self esteem, and both physical and verbal abuse can kill someone.


  1. Wow that is some really intresting facts and things, I agree that words do kill and I think that this ties in with bullying. Verbal bullying is the most used and most think that this is the most dangerous kind of bullying there is. There are more and more cases of sucide because of bullying and just becasuse they call them names or make fun of them. It's discusting! I love your topic!

  2. Thanks for your time and work on this research. It is very important to have this be a open topic, discussion everywhere. I have experienced verbal abuse by those that say they "love" me, and when I call them on their insults they dismiss what they have done, deny what they are doing is bad by saying "oh you are over-sensitive or you are thin-skinned" and Not listening to the fact they have injured me. I get away from them- fast. They are bullying and blind to their behavior. It makes them dangerous to society.
