Thursday, November 11, 2010

Quote, paraphrase, and citation

"The harsh reality is that verbal abuse is often just a precursor for physical abuse, additionally verbal abuse can also be sexual assault. Yes, sexual assault can be verbal or visible with an abuser talking sexually (describing what an abuser wants to do) and inappropriate (sexual innuendos), showing body parts (with no touching), etc. Verbal abuse is somewhat of a boiling pot that left unattended, and to often it is as the bruises and scars are not so visible, that if left unattended will only boil over and burn all around it."

Verbal is sometimes just a sign that a child is also being physically abused. Verbal abuse can be many things such as a sexual assault. If the person abusing a child is talking sexually and is being improper or showing their body to the child that is called verbal abuse. Verbal abuse does not leave bruises on the outside, but on the inside it does damage. 

Cassandra, Clifford. "Child Abuse: Verbal vs. Physical, What’s More Harmful?." (2010): 1. Web. 11 Nov 2010. <>.

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